Friday, April 26, 2013

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent & Rinse Aid

Not only can you simply make your own natural dishwasher detergent but it has only three ingredients in it! How easy is that? And it works great.

 Homemade Dishwasher Detergent Recipe
1 cup baking soda
1 cup borax
1/2 cup salt

Mix ingredients together well. Store is air tight container.
Use 1 Tablespoon of the above mixture to the pre-wash and wash compartment. 
 Makes 20 loads. Costs less than 4 cents per load!
Optional add-ins: a few drops of lemon essential oil.

Homemade Dishwasher Rinse Aid Recipe
Add 2 Tablespoons of vinegar to your rinse compartment.