Friday, April 12, 2013

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Being a frugal girl, I don't like paying for anything that literally gets washed down the drain. Laundry detergent can not only be expense but can also have extra ingredients that can be irritating to your loved ones skin.

How about spending less than $2.50 for laundry detergent that makes 96 loads? Sounds good to me. That comes in at 2 cents per load!

There are several laundry detergent recipes out there but simplicity and with only 3 ingredients makes this one easy to make. We have been using this recipe for over a month and have no complaints!
Homemade Laundry Detergent

3 cups Borax
3 cups Washing Soda
3 cups Bar Soap, grated finely

Combine equal parts of the above ingredients in a large container that has an airtight lid. 
Use 1 tablespoon per large load.

The bar soap can be any type your prefer. You can certainly by "laundry soap" in the laundry detergent aisle at any big box store. Do not use a moisturizing bar of soap as can contain oils. You can grate the soap or place cut up pieces in a food processor or any large capacity blender.

Pictured above, I have left a restaurant plastic spoon in the container. Use 2 spoonfuls to equal 1 Tablespoon.

From start to finish the process can take less than 10 minutes and last for months.