As winter wears on, I am starting to get impatient for warmer weather.
As we live in Wisconsin (Zone 5b), we have to wait to get our hands dirty in the yard for another 30 plus plus days.
Enter starting seeds... inside.
Perhaps you have some seeds already. Be sure take them out and take an inventory.
If you are seedless, don’t worry you have options. You can still get seeds set to you from catalogs. I personally like Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds, and Pinetree Garden Seeds.
You can shop the stores. This week I saw that Aldi has seeds for $0.49 per pack!
We are trying to grow more heirloom seeds in an attempt to get things back to how they used to be done. But I also have a good amount of seeds that are hybrids that can grow food producing plants too.
Here is what we have: Basil Genovese, Broccoli Waltham, Gourds Small Fancy, Hot Peppers, Oregano, Parsley Dark Moss Curled, Peppers California Wonder, Peppers Red Mercury, Lettuce Prizehead, Pumpkin Jack-Be-Little, Pumpkin Jack O’Lantern, Tomato Beefsteak, Tomato Better Boy Hybrid, Tomato Roma, Tomato Rutgers-Select, Tomato Super Beefsteak, Watermelon Sugar Baby
For later on we have these for direct sowing (straight in the ground): Cantaloupe Hale’s Best, Corn Iochief, Cucumber Armenian, Cucumber Homemade Pickles, Indian Corn, Popcorn
If you don't know what to grow? Pick some "easier" plants that tend to germinate (grow) well.
Vegetables - broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, leeks, lettuce, onions, peppers, and tomatoes.
Herbs - basil and chives.
Annuals - alyssum, cosmos, marigolds, and zinnias.
Perennials - shasta daisies, columbines, and hollyhocks.
Good Luck! Get Growing!