Stress Free Tips:
- Use store-bought cake mix instead of making your own from scratch. Easy.
- Use paper liners in the cupcake pans. Can often find these on sale after the holiday or at craft stores. No Mess.
- Once you have mixed the cake, pour batter into a plastic bag and seal. Then cut the corner off for a no mess batter dispenser. Easy and No Mess!
- Make decorating easy.
- Let your special person select sprinkles and a frosting color.
- Use store bought icing instead of making your own, add food coloring drops to get the right color.
- Spread icing with a knife or use a pastry bag if you have one. Just start at the center of the cupcake and work your way out.
- Apply sprinkles. Pour some sprinkles in a bowl. Hold cupcake over bowl and use a spoon to shake sprinkles on. Tip Cupcake slightly to allow extra sprinkles to fall back in the bowl.

Know you capabilities and allow yourself a few cheats in life!